Monday, June 5, 2017

Say what?

What's up with the audio spat? People bitching about tonal balance, give the guy a break. I don't question about personal preference on tonal balance. There is no room for negotiation. If he insists, play me a classical solo piano then I tell you what I think. Vocal always occupies the center stage due to emotive appeal, something we understand on a go but I wanted to stress also there is a life after vocal, the accompanying instruments.

When vocal gets too much attention, the crave for the warmth, sultry, honey sweet, moisture and et cetera, the accompanying instruments will evitably deviate from the truth. In a severe condition, a violin becomes a viola. What's the use of a lemon if it loses the pungency? The salt loses its saltiness? We should stop and reflect are we not taken tonal balance a little too far on our own desire? The opera singer serves a better reference, no microphone is a good thing here. No coloration, no toothy, no jarring, very direct and impactful.

Instead, tonality, aka tone quality should top the audio priority. Refined, smooth, presence, texture, dense, lively, tonal contrast among others, are the desirous description, depends on how creative the reviewers get. These promote transparency. Most misconceive transparency is tone thinning giving a light bottom presentation in which not supposed the case. Likewise, the upper bass always muddies the resolution. Many speaker companies cut back the bass to project more resolution, in a similar fashion, the cable companies too, do the same things. No names, you go check out yourself. In my opinion, transparency is noise floor, see-through quality, our deeds fending off EMI and RFI, resonance, room acoustics. These are the real murderer of transparency. Well, I don't know how a faraday cage could help, I just don't know, I'm sure it helps. Regardless what, the higher transparency the more lifelike performance, you will not be sorry.

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