Thursday, August 30, 2012

SMS Audio

Mobile phone is a necessity in modern living. They make communication easy. Smartphone enhance the connectivity via WIFI, we can talk on line, receive emails, reading on line news, bidding on ebay, paying bills and etc. The functionality is limitless, large driven by our creativity.

In order to engage SMS audio, you must first have a mobile phone. This art of audio has been around for years but we have brought the art to the next level, with visual properties. SMS is big in Asia, and I was told they are not in UK, no idea in US. Probably the call rate here is high but the telco companies have brought down the rates over the years.

To engage SMS audio warfare, you must first team up with another player. Only then, you can hit the war drum, Mr Bombastic. You know there are many semi audio guru other there, these are our primary target.

We probe with a funny question, "How do you clean up your murky bass, to make them sound transparent?" This is a fair question but tricky. If yes, you must elaborate, if no, you should first learn before answering.


To up the fun, "How you make the highs sound like Xishi's chirping (西施), mid like Ms Pan's groaning (潘金蓮) and the imposing Mr Guan (關公)?"

We relate historical personality to SMS audio. 西施 is the prettiest empress in China and the most adored by the Emperor. We can image she is chirping around the emperor. 潘金蓮 is the most lewd woman in China and she whines with her lover body. 關公 was a military man and he was all about brotherhood. He possess a very imposing manner 气势 that we can safely relate this quality to weight and scale.

How do you counter? Soon, this SMS will circle around the audio community. I say it is cool!

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